The Significance that English Holds

“Maybe you could be a great writer – maybe even good enough to write a book or articles in a newspaper – but you might not know it until you write that English paper – that English class paper that’s assigned to you.”

– Barack Obama

Many people have said, “I don’t understand why we should have to study English for the entire four years of high school; I’ve understood everything in English like how to write an essay, grammar, spelling, MLA format, etc.,” or “I hate English; it requires too much work and thinking; we shouldn’t need it for university.” English is, in my opinion, absolutely crucial for university preparation. I believe so because no matter what path you choose to take in life, everything you learned in English class over the previous four years will be useful. Yes, it requires a lot of work, but it also allows you to determine how well you can organize what you’re thinking and build information.

Your ability to evaluate literature and comprehend information is important for developing your analytical and problem-solving abilities, as you will need to do so in the real world. You will need to apply what you have learned in high school English to your university work, therefore it absolutely prepares you for literacy in the real world after graduation. You will write essays throughout your time in university, and courses such as English help you develop the skills necessary for writing professional emails. Have you thought about what university might be like if you just skipped the four-year English course?

For instance, if you were required to write an essay as part of an exam that counted heavily towards your final grade, but you didn’t learn how to do it well, you would have unfortunately failed the assessment. The goal of English is to assist students in developing their understanding of grammar, spelling, and vocabulary, three skills that are essential for effective speech. As a result, learning English in high school can prepare you for life.

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